Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Are You Anxious?

Chapter 4 of Philippians, as we will see over the next few days, has some rich words of encouragement for those who are Christ followers. Today we look at Verses 1-9.

The staff here at MDBC have been reading through an incredible book entitled "With Christ in the School of Prayer" by Andrew Murray. The book was written in 1895, but let me tell you, Murray is still being used by God today, as it has really touched the hearts of all of the staff and challenged us in our prayer lives. Murray would concur with Paul's words in today's passage, as they are simple and to the point, though, like so much of Scripture, difficult to consistently put into practice.

Verse 4 alone is one of those difficult statements to live by: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!" In a time when folks are seeing financial troubles, families are stressed, and relationships seem especially strained by the world's problems, it is very easy to lose sight of "rejoicing in the Lord." Paul continues by sharing how we need not be anxious about anything, but instead we should be praying about such things. I know, it sounds very "churchy," but this is what we, as Christ followers, are precisely to do! Even more than that, as we are walking with Christ, spending time with Him, getting to know His Word better and better, there will be no other thing that we will choose to rely on than taking our requests and concerns to God through prayer...but are we doing this?

What will be the result of taking these things to Him in prayer? Just that "...the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." That's all, just the peace of God in the midst of all the craziness of life!

Paul then shares that another thing to do as we turn life over to Christ through prayer, and as we strive to get beyond the anxiousness of our lives, is that we need to change our focus. We are all being pulled in so many different directions in life that most of the time we simply have no clue what to really focus on. Paul gives us some direction here, saying that "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Let's face it...ALL of us waste a lot of valuable time "dwelling" on things that are not profitable to our lives, especially in the life of one who seeks to live for Christ. It's time we get some of this junk out of our lives, that we change the focus of much of what we do, seeking FIRST His Kingdom. Much of what we fill our minds with, much of what we don't want to give up because it's comfortable to us...much of this needs to go if we are to live a truly Christ centered life.

What are we to dwell on then? In verse 9, Paul says that we can learn from him, "the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." WOW! Our challenge for today is this: Can I truly say that I am dwelling on the things that Christ would have me dwell? Are there areas of my life that are not God honoring? Are there things in my life, whether self-imposed or not, that I am anxious in? How is my prayer life today?

I don't know about you, but the Lord has shown me MUCH to consider in my life today!

Until tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

thanks for this today. Believe it or not through all this stuff with Tim's work I've really been trying to stay focused on God and whatever He wants for us. But, there are moments where fear does overtake me. This was a good reminder of what my role right now, and always, needs to be. Thanks for the reminder of how I can keep the peace.

Julie S.

Anonymous said...

Good insights have you.