Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The "Moral" Life...

Today we're looking at Romans 2:1-16, and again, it's a hard-hitting lesson from Paul. He continues with another "therefore," picking up from the end of chapter 1 (remember, when Paul wrote this, it was a letter without chapter and verse breaks), and nailing us with the fact that we have no excuse to pass judgement on one another. Paul is saying that there are certainly those people who are blatantly living in obvious sin and openly defying God's Word and not caring at all. But there are also people who like to pass judgement on others when we are in need of dealing with other types of sin in our own lives. Luke 6:41 comes to mind: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

Now, is Paul, or am I, suggesting that whatever anyone wants to do is their prerogative? That the sin in another person's life is none of my business? Well, yes and no. It's not my job as a Pastor, or yours as a Christ follower, to be the "Sin Police," but at the same time, it is my job to share with as many as possible what God's Word says about sin. The job of a physician is to diagnose illness, to offer cures/treatment, and to also share with their patients how to stay healthy to begin with. As Christians, we have the same spiritual responsibilities. Paul is sharing in this passage that there are many "illnesses" that we are all struggling with, and he is also sharing the cure, that is to follow Jesus and His Word.

There are many folks that I come in contact with during the week, even many in the church on Sunday morning, who are very "moral" people. We are not called by God, however, to simply live a moral life. We are called to live a holy life, meaning we are to strive to live the life that Christ demonstrated for us. Does this mean that after we give control of our life to Christ that we will stop sinning? NO! But it does mean that as we allow Him to control our life, He will direct us away from many things that may currently be in our lives. He will re-direct our paths, He will show us many areas of life in a new light...His light. This is not a fun, comfortable position to put yourself in, as the world sees it. But, when we allow Him to control our life, and we truly seek His ways over our own, what the world sees as uncomfortable and puzzling is instead realized by the Christian to be complete comfort and security.

What part are you playing today? Jury...Judge...or are you a Witness? Have you ever given control of your life over to Jesus Christ, allowing Him to be Lord of your life? Is there a "missing link" in your life? Talk to God today...acknowledge that you are a sinner, that you desire to turn away from those sins, and that you are trusting Jesus today with your life. Give Jesus control of your heart and trust in His death as payment for your sins. Anyone reading this who ever wants to talk more, please contact me anytime!

Until tomorrow, have a blessed day!
In Christ,

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