Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lessons in the Waiting...

Well, first things first...I received the results of the CT Scan from last week, and it turns out that we are thanking the Lord for infections!!! I know, it sounds strange, but of all the possible outcomes, a lymph node being swollen due to an infection is a sweet sounding result. I will have some follow-up blood work done in the next week for good measure, but today we thank Him for the blessing of infections.

Over the past several days, as we awaited these results, Annette and I did share some rich times of learning to be patient. Neither of us like learning these lessons, but God knows when and how we will learn best, and He continues to give us ample opportunities through which to learn (THANKS!!). Thanks you for your prayers (even for those "Ramen Noodle" prayers!)...God is good.

Today, I'm focusing on Romans 1:16-17, which is a very familiar passage to many of you. Paul's proclamation here is a great reminder to me every time I read it that we are not to be ashamed of the Gospel. You know, as a "man of the cloth" (as many "church" people consider me), it's amazing how often someone's tone or speech can change when they find out that I'm a pastor. Annette and I stopped by a roadside flower vendor a few months ago and began talking with the lady running the stand. She found out first that we were from Virginia, and then got all excited, while she shared about stopping at the Charles Town Race Track and Casino when she's going home to southern Virginia. Then, she asks what brought us to York, and I shared that I was a pastor. This lady then changed her demeanor and tone, and began a 3-minute rant about God, the church, this great preacher she used to know, and went on and on about how she wasn't in church and knew she needed to get back involved. Annette and I both just listened as she basically hammered on herself for "getting away from God." We gently encouraged her to get her relationship with God where it needs to be, paid for the plants, and were off. Her attitude was that of being ashamed.

Paul shares that he's not ashamed, which is big, but he continues with the reason why he's not ashamed...that "it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes," and that's HUGE!

How about you today? Are you ashamed of the Gospel? Have you been "ashamed" of your faith recently when co-workers or friends began criticizing the church or "so called" Christians? Purpose in your heart today to "live by faith" (verse 17) and to not be ashamed of the Gospel, no matter what!

In Christ, PJ

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